My Granddaughter, EraBoyd has a tendency to "flop" when she doesn't want to do something. A few months back she had a boo-boo as a result of "flopping". We all laughed when we would ask her what happened and she would reply "I was flopping". Another term for that could possibly be called "pitching a fit".
Interestingly, as I was studing my homework for the Proverbs 31 Woman and our Home Experience Bible Study Class tonight (part of the True Woman Mentoring program) I was hit with a truth about myself. I was studying Proverbs 31 in regards to becoming the excellent, virtuous woman and this particular statement hit me like a brick from Nancy Leigh Demoss "She will make him (her husband) not like what she tells him he ought to be, but like what she herself is". If I want my husband to be a man of virtue, noble and of spiritual strength and character then I must set out - not to change him, but to be the kind of woman with the kind of charater that I want him to have. God's word tells us that this kind of woman is a crown to her husband. She blesses him and brins out the best in him.
Now, the reason this hit me so hard is I have a particular issue that I have been dealing with for quite some time. It has to do with the very thing that we are studying and with becoming the excellent and virtuous woman described in our study. I have been so "busy" for the past few years that so many things have gotten out of order in my home. I keep trying to get them back but something always comes and steals my time. These things are all good and necessary things - but over the years stuff has happened and long story short my house is a mess! Now the the thing that frustrates me so bad is a lot of the clean up is out of my control. I'm not going any further than that in describing the issue because then I will have another issue if you know what I mean. Saturday I got really frustrated and angry and the issue at hand was simple - not a big deal - but as I came into the house all the other issues came flying out from inside of me and I was fussing, and yes, flopping! Big time flopping too! I pitched my little (or maybe I should say big) fit and then walked out the door to go to visit my daughter next door. Oh, I was in the house by myself. My brother happened to be cutting grass and witnessed a few of the previous details and then saw me as I pranced across the yard to my daughters. I waved and went on in. Later that day I was visiting with my brother and my mom and shared a little of my story...guess brother said he noticed I was "flopping" across the yard. Funny, I didnt think I was flopping. Do you know what he said..."So, you are the original flopper...that's where the kids got it from" WOW....I didn't even realize I was flopping....
Moral of my story, what else am I passing down that I do not realize. Flopping can be a problem....especially if I really want to be an excellent woman - one who looks in the mirror and reflects Christ then reflects the light to my daughters, granddaughters and to my husband.
I gotta stop "flopping"!